Wine is a cultural element which reflects its origins in the widest sense: yes, the soil and climate of where it comes from, but also the history of the region and the character of the people behind every bottle. Thus, one of the principal riches of the world of wine is its extraordinary and inexhaustible diversity. And that despite trends towards globalisation which, like in many other aspects of culture, impose more or less fashionable rules and styles which end up making wines of very different origins taste the same.
In the face of this tendency towards uniformity, there are still wine regions which have proudly maintained their own particular winemaking processes in complete harmony with nature and a total respect for tradition. Wines which are oenological treasures and pieces of history.
Vinoble is aimed at these different, unique wines whose nobility is sustained by respect for history and the environment. Wines which are often the result of extreme climatological conditions to which man has found a way to adapt to extract the essence of the vine; wines which nearly always tell the story of long voyages, epic expeditions and heroic events. Wines associated with particular countries with their own languages and trades and even winery architecture which combines aesthetics with functionality. When all is said and done, these are wines which, in each of their places of origin, represent the very identity of their respective cultures, a genuine world heritage.
The large range of Moscatel wines from Málaga, Alicante, Valencia and Navarra and the historic Malvasías from the Canary Islands. The sweet Catalan wines of Sitges, Penedés and Tarragona and the famous, even legendary Fondillón of Alicante.
Sweet wines have traditionally played a minor but exclusive role in the production of the world’s principal wine regions. The miracle of Botrytis Cinerea or “noble rot” has given birth to some of the most outstanding sweet wines in the world: in France Sauternes, Barsac, Monbazillac or the Loire; in Hungary the historic wines of Tokaj and in Germany the great Auslesen, Beerenauslesen and Trockenbeerenauslesen. Sometimes the concentration of sugar is achieved thanks to certain extreme climatic conditions like with the famous Ice Wines of Austria and Canada made with frozen grapes. In other parts of the Mediterranean basin there is also a long tradition of making sweet and fortified wines, and Passito, Marsala or Moscato di Pantelleria from Italy or Muscat de Samos from Greece are just a few more examples.
Whether they come from the mountains of Switzerland or vineyards at the sea; from the Old World or the New, all these wines share a nobility resulting from centuries old production methods and a vocation for quality and identity. These are the Noble Wines.